Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to deal with common problems - The Quiet Time

As a child of God, we all desire in the midst of our business to come aside to a quiet place just to spend time with our Father. However in life, there are so many things that can distract us and steals our precious moments with Him and before we know it, we have lost touch with God. Put a person who is trying to get her message across to another person in a nosiy enviroment, the message cannot be heard and received. If the noises were to die down, the message will be loud and clear. Subsequently, if we can eradicate the 'noises' in our lives, we can hear then from God.

Why should we have a quiet time?
- because we need fellowship with God
- because it is our privilege as Christians
- because we gain tremedous benefits from it

Repost from Fy

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