Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Valentine Day Special : Choosing a Life Partner God's way

We expressed our opinions on MWR (Man Woman Relationsip) related issues. Questions such as: What is marriage? How would you express your love? What qualities do you look for in a life partner? Would you make the first move? Would you marry someone with a physical disability or life long illness?

Some of us do not find age a boundary, some would cook for their love. What is one thing we should consider in a life partner?

Passage: Genesis 24-66 Issac & Rebekah
Abraham send Eliezer his servant to get a wife for his son, Issac. With camels, the servant throdded off and made a stop near a well at Nahor Town in Aram Naharaim. Then evening came, several woman came to drew water and the servant asked God for a specific sign to show him the chosen one for Issac. A beautiful girl named Rebekah drew water for him as well as for the camels..

♣ Ask for God's guidance (v. 12)
- Eliezar asked God for guidance and wisdom in such an important task

♣ Look for character (v 12, 15, 16)
- Eliezar was simply asking God to show him a woman with an attitude of service- someone who would go beyond the expected. An offer to water his camels indicate that kind of attitude
- Rebekah had physical beauty but Eliezer was looking for a sign of inner beauty. Appearance is impt and we spend money & time improving it. How much effort do we put into developing our innner beauty? Patience, kindness and joy are beauty treatments that aid us become truly lovely on the inside.
-look for character over emotions, emotions should only follow but never lead

♦ Interesting facts:
The pots used for carrying water were large and heavy. It tooka lot of water to satisfy a camel's thirst- up to 25 gallons per camel after a week's travel.

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