Thursday, November 27, 2008


My oh my, the cutest babies EVER!!!~ ken =)

If only we can smile at our circumstances like the cute little Huggies boy in the clip! =) Makes you feel like whistling the catchy tune after watching... =D frank

Today's U.S. Thankgiving day (4th Thursday of Nov). But we don't see the usual thanksgiving cheer going around especially with news like the Bombay terrorist bombing, Bangkok's violence, companies laying off staff and cutting bonuses and uncertainties over which financial giant is going bust next, keep occupying the media waves. The mood's somewhat dampened with fear and doubt's lingering at the back of everyone's mind.

I'll have to admit, it's hard to give thanks in tough times when the pain is fresh and raw.

In the wake of all the gloom and doom hovering over this festive season, do you find it hard to find reasons to be thankful for, to be cheerful about?

Sure, everyone can give thanks when life's good, when the party hats are on and the champagne's flowing. It's easy to be thankful people when times are good, all's going well and someone (like me =P) writing you an email reminding you to be grateful. We can give thanks for the love and favour that grace our lives. That's the easy part. But the truly thankful are those who like, Matthew Henry, can give thanks in spite of adverse circumstances, when the chips are down.

Have you ever gave thanks for being robbed (thank god for being the "suay" one?) Which sane person would do that?

Well apparently Matthew Henry did. He's a famous Bible scholar of numerous commentaries on the Scriptures. When he was en route to a revival meeting one day, he was robbed of all his money. He arrived at the meeting and preached his message.

Later that night, he wrote the following words in his diary: “Let me be thankful that I was robbed tonight. Let me be thankful first because I was never robbed before. Second, because, although they took my purse, they did not take my life. Third, because, although they took my all, it was not much. And, fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed another.”

What an attitude! Examples such as these cause me to examine my priorities. It also helps me to understand why the Apostle Paul, who often suffered at the hands of others, would write the following: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

I think that one of the reasons David is such a picture of a man after God's own heart, was that he was constantly writing songs about God's goodness and faithfulness and thanking Him and praising Him. He believed in God's goodness, even in the midst of a very difficult period (eg. when he was on the run, hiding in a cave when soldiers sent by King Saul are after his blood).

But even more, as a king, He led all of the people in giving God the glory due His name. He called all of his people to sing, play instruments, worship and dance before God--he did it with all of His heart - because of a humble and overflowing heart that truly loved and treasured God.

I must admit that most of my prayers are petitions, requests. Yet, I am learning that thanksgiving is an exercise of my character that eventually influences my heart. When I look at my life with thankful eyes, it lifts my heart to see how truly blessed I am and makes all the other issues of my life seem less important. Thanksgiving not only pleases God, but it releases in me all the issues of my life. It gives me a power to be able to believe Him for great things. It causes my soul to soar because it puts me heavenward instead of earthbound. I don't think it is possible to have a truly thankful heart and to acknowledge God's sovereignty over all situations and a bitter heart at the same time--it is one or the other.

God would have us be thankful.

Choosing to be thankful and learning to be content will fill your soul with peace and kindness and in the end, you will be happier and more thankful. It is a choice, a habit of practice, but will indeed create in you a more beautiful soul. Practicing what you want to be and what God wants you to be, just because it is right, will always end up blessing you in the end.

May I end by saying how thankful I am for all you--you work tirelessly every day, serving your family, company and church, you are faithful even when no one knows it--you are indeed the best friends that one can have and I pray that you will know that all those hours of loving, sacrifice and caring are sowing deep into the hearts of the people you meet and interact as well. (My exact sentiments too, thus the repost to all you people out there in cell, section, church. *smiles*)

Can you find anything that you can be thankful for in 2008? You may wanna take some time to remember and be grateful for the grace of God in our lives.

I rem in exactly a year ago, a Malaysian worker whose legs are mangled in a freak paper compactor accident (see report) was thankful he still "has his 2 hands" so that he can still work and provide for his wife and 2 kids.

So you see... we have alot to be thankful for, even in these trying times.... we just need to find out what's it! Have a blessed thanksgiving! =D frank

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