Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Do you ... CARE?

Discussing about what is 'caring', brings many different answers.

To some, it's the extra mile or effort that someone takes, unexpectedly. Others say, it involves a sacrifice of time or money, with no ulterior motive, a genuine sincere concern, something done that touches you, simple things like a timely word at the right time.

And looking at the past week, many were touched by the small things people had done for them. An sms 'heard that you were sick...' / 'this verse is to encourage you'; a listening ear, an unexpected lunch, words of encouragement about the matters they worry about... Small things that don't take much effort, just care.

We can, too. Care for the people around us, by doing likewise - a CARE ACT. For our oikos who needs to know Jesus - send them a tract. For our parents who needs healing and breakthroughs - let them know we are praying. Share an umbrella with the person who has none. In arguments, forsake your natural reactions and choose to care, to respond in kindness.

I challenge us to live like the church in Acts (Acts 2:42-45). Imagine, would you sell your handphone, your car, your beloved bags or clothes, to raise funds and pool it together for the destitute in your community? That is what they did! For us today, we can do a little bit, just by donating our spare change to CCSS' donation box. Although you would not have a chance to see where the aid is being sent to, take heart that by just giving your coins, you are giving to a greater cause. To help the standard of living, for some people. And somewhere out there, someone knows... you care.

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